Apologies, good news, seeking advice

You may have realised that I haven’t posted on the blog for almost an entire month. This period of “silence” occured due to a great number of causes. First and foremost, I did not have time. I am currently enrolled in Sixth Form (which is simply the final stage of high school, but let me not get into any more detail on this), and getting used to the high expectations and the new learning environment requires quite a lot of effort! So I apologise for not being very active in the past three weeks. But on the other hand, this period allowed me to stop for a moment and promote my old articles instead of writing new ones. I don’t intend to come across as a narcissistic individual, but I do believe that my posts from months ago deserve just as much publicity as the newer ones. For this reason, I decided to take every opportunty to share links to my old articles via Facebook and Twitter. Continue reading